Sunday 20 September 2015

Film day!

Sunday has arrived and I've finished my coursework so its time for films!
I've been dying to watch the film insurgent I loved the film divergent so this must be amazing.
I haven't really got much to write so bye guys email for any advice!

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Love my parents!

So my parents have been gone for 14 days they went to Vegas and Hawaii and I got a little face time call from my mum showing me my presents!!! They've gotten me a Michael Kors bag and loads of pearl harbour stuff (I love history and pearl harbour) I'm honestly more excited for the pearl harbour stuff cause I'm weird aha. But I really miss them so much I can't wait for them to come home it's weird for them not to be here even though I know there safe it's just well there my parents and there mine aha.

College today was fun well liveable, I'm going to end up going insane!!

Monday 7 September 2015


I can't believe the amount of sh*t I need for college like come on I've brought so many little things like thousands of pens, pencils, folders etc. I just don't know what to do with my self anymore I'm so not prepared for everything this year like I dunno just not feeling up to it I thought I would be a little excited because I'm older and everything but I want year 7 back :( :p

Hope everyone is trying to stay positive at school and college haha enjoy the sun America while I enjoy the winter and rain waaaaaa!!

Daily life problems!

Sunday 6 September 2015


So college has arrived and I'm already stressing and I don't start till Monday I don't understand why I'm so nervous I'm normally quite confident but I think starting somewhere new has hit me a little as I won't be with any of my friends as they are doing different courses to me. I know college is about making new friends but it's weird for me because I've been so used to staying in one place and I've gotten so comfortable to secondary school!!!!!!!
But to change the conversation I've had a few emails about how to deal with family situations I love how so many people trust me I love you all I hope my replies had helped and that your problems have been resolved. Don't be afraid to email me of comment none of the conversation is spoken about to anyone so if you need advice I'm always here :)

Email 2:

Enjoy college and school ladies and gents :::)))

Monday 13 July 2015

Work! Work! Work!

These past two weeks all I've been doing is working is making me exhausted and I'm always tired 
But money is money and I can't wait to get paid and just spend my money ahhhh haha!
So basically this summer holiday I'll be working so yeah that's my life for the moment!

Sunday 28 June 2015

Preparing for College and Work!

(I'm also changing my writing)
So today i've just been hit with that I have a tour and taster day at my college while also starting work next wednesday while my college tour is tuesday which doesn't really give me any space to rest.
However, I was told that my uncle had died :( and that the funeral was on the 1st so that meant I couldn't go work that day which luckly my boss Viv understood and allowed me to start on the 2nd instead.
When I first found out about my uncle I didn't really handle it well I just couldn't stop crying but I'm getting better at talking about it and excepting the fact that he has gone and isn't coming back but I know he's always there for everyone in my family! R.I.P Uncle Charlie.
But this hasn't stopped my ambition for college and getting my dream job (nurse). Hopefully when I get my degree in nursing I want to go into the army and help our soldiers that fight for us and our country! But I hope you all have a great summer holidays and get all the grades you deserve!

Saturday 27 June 2015

New job😊

So today I started my new job and if I'm honest
It was a lot of work. Customers everywhere it never
Stops they always ask you questions or complain
About something but I had fun it's better than sitting
At home doing nothing and putting on weight so this
Is why I advise teenagers 16 and older to get a summer
Job it wouldn't hurt as your getting paid so u can't complain
About not having any money!
See you all later

Monday 22 June 2015

Back to Blogging!

I'm buzzing no more school! No more Exams! No more getting up early! No more anything! I'm loving having no more school I'm basically free from stress every day just like you. (if you have left school)
So this whole 11 weeks I have off I'm planning all these events and days out like me and my group of friends are going Sea life centre, Adventure Island, holiday shopping and much more we just haven't got that far yet!
Starting from now that all exams are over I will blog weekly maybe more than once depends if anything interesting or any problems happen that I think that may help other people (any problems email me

Wednesday 27 May 2015

I can't believe I haven't wrote a blog in ages!
I'm so sorry, all I've been doing is revision and I can't handle the stress but I'm getting better at handling it but I've been trying things to help me stop stressing😂
Hope everyone does amazing on their exams and I hope u get what you all deserve!!

Thursday 9 April 2015

Day 9

My day today hasn't been amazing but it hasn't been awful however today I've just gone to Argos to get my friends new laptop for college (that's what she says its for) but I'm using it now to write this blog. However, I'm still feeling unwell today but I'm getting better as the days goes by but I've had emails about how to tell your parents about things that your scared to ask them about and tell them about, such as sexual wise and advise about boys and girls. I don't think I should write it in my blog so email me and I will definitely reply straight away! Anyways, have a good rest of the day and always #dailylifeproblems 

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Day 8

So the past few days I haven't been well I woke up in agony from my back and I felt so sick don't know what it was but the doctors have sent me for a couple of blood test but on the plus side I won a Big Mac on the MC Donald's thing😂 have a nice day people #dailylifeproblems

Monday 6 April 2015

Day 7

So I haven't wrote in a while which im sorry about just been distracted a lot to be honest but my past few days have just been revision and sleep which is nothing exciting so I haven't really got anything to write but email me any questions! #dailylifeproblems

Thursday 2 April 2015

Day 5 & 6

So the past two days I've just lost my boy best friends :( I haven't really spoke to anyone about it as it's been killing me inside I don't know what to do! The reason I have lost him is because he has a girlfriend and she was getting jealous of mine and his friendship but I was harmless most of our conversations are about her so I couldn't see what I was doing wrong; so I texted her asking what I have done wrong and she said she was worried how close I was with him. So me being me I said I'll stop speaking to him as much but after that he just blanks me and I know it sounds weird but I loved him in a way but most people love there best friends but I'm so upset I can't sleep and all I can think about is the situation. I don't really have anyone to talk to so i thought I would blog it but I hope your all okay night guys! #dailylifeproblems

Monday 30 March 2015

Day 4

So day four is here and all I've done today is watch my friend make cookies and watch film so basically my day to day has been a Sunday which is amazing! No school! No waking up early i love it; hope your all having a great start of your Easter holidays so far. #dailylifeproblems

Yesterday's Products

Sunday 29 March 2015

Day 3

Hello everyone day three already hope you all have had a great day! So today I've had no problems which isn't normal but it's nice however I've had a great pamper day with my friends; we used loads of different makes like Clinique, simple and lush (Jason and argon oil) which is shampoo and is amazing for your hair it has made my hair 10x softer and shiner! I will post pictures up of the products later tomorrow so you can see what I used and if you would like to use or try I would recommend all these products and they take great care of your skin and hair! Anyways have a good rest of the day and comment or email me for any questions or advice. #dailylifeproblems 
Email: or

Saturday 28 March 2015

Day 2

Today starts the easter holidays! So today woke up a bit late (11am) and all I've done is play the sims; I don't know why but im addicted to it but ive decided to go out and have a life lol. Anyways how are all you's today email or comment. #dailylifeprolems

Friday 27 March 2015

Tips on how to handle a break up!

So I've had emails come through about how to get over a horrible break up; I understand hard they can get and you might blame yourself but its no ones fault (unless you or they cheat).
Step 1: Get rid of any pictures or objects that remind you of them.
Step 2: Start fresh and new.
Step 3: Hang around with your friends a lot more.
Step 4: Try and meet someone new but try not to go for the same kind of boy.
Step 5: Have fun and go on dates.
Hope you can get over these horrible break ups I'm always here to help!
Love you all Demi xx

Day 1

Hi my names Demi, today I've created a blog to talk about my problems and normal daily life however I will give tips on how to get through tough times in life all you have to do is comment or email me and I will post a blog or email you back on how to get through your problem! So anyways today my day has been a bit eventful and its only 9:30am; so today I woke up cleaned my teeth had a shower like anyone would but I look on my phone a huge group argument on my friends group chat I was so surprised this was there first argument! However I didn't want to get involved as it might get worse so I left it. Can anyone relate to this; I get scared when things like this happen? But now I'm getting ready to go out, hope you all have a great day. love you all Demi xx Emails - or