Monday 30 March 2015

Day 4

So day four is here and all I've done today is watch my friend make cookies and watch film so basically my day to day has been a Sunday which is amazing! No school! No waking up early i love it; hope your all having a great start of your Easter holidays so far. #dailylifeproblems

Yesterday's Products

Sunday 29 March 2015

Day 3

Hello everyone day three already hope you all have had a great day! So today I've had no problems which isn't normal but it's nice however I've had a great pamper day with my friends; we used loads of different makes like Clinique, simple and lush (Jason and argon oil) which is shampoo and is amazing for your hair it has made my hair 10x softer and shiner! I will post pictures up of the products later tomorrow so you can see what I used and if you would like to use or try I would recommend all these products and they take great care of your skin and hair! Anyways have a good rest of the day and comment or email me for any questions or advice. #dailylifeproblems 
Email: or

Saturday 28 March 2015

Day 2

Today starts the easter holidays! So today woke up a bit late (11am) and all I've done is play the sims; I don't know why but im addicted to it but ive decided to go out and have a life lol. Anyways how are all you's today email or comment. #dailylifeprolems

Friday 27 March 2015

Tips on how to handle a break up!

So I've had emails come through about how to get over a horrible break up; I understand hard they can get and you might blame yourself but its no ones fault (unless you or they cheat).
Step 1: Get rid of any pictures or objects that remind you of them.
Step 2: Start fresh and new.
Step 3: Hang around with your friends a lot more.
Step 4: Try and meet someone new but try not to go for the same kind of boy.
Step 5: Have fun and go on dates.
Hope you can get over these horrible break ups I'm always here to help!
Love you all Demi xx

Day 1

Hi my names Demi, today I've created a blog to talk about my problems and normal daily life however I will give tips on how to get through tough times in life all you have to do is comment or email me and I will post a blog or email you back on how to get through your problem! So anyways today my day has been a bit eventful and its only 9:30am; so today I woke up cleaned my teeth had a shower like anyone would but I look on my phone a huge group argument on my friends group chat I was so surprised this was there first argument! However I didn't want to get involved as it might get worse so I left it. Can anyone relate to this; I get scared when things like this happen? But now I'm getting ready to go out, hope you all have a great day. love you all Demi xx Emails - or